“The Art of Healing Conference”

ISSUP Lebanon attends “The Art of Healing Conference” hosted by ISSUP Greece

23 June 2024 | News

In June 2024, ISSUP Lebanon participated in the “The Art of Healing Conference” in the historic centre of Thessaloniki, at the premises of the International Exhibition & Congress Centre of TIF-HELEXPO and surrounding conference rooms in museums and social institutions. The conference aimed to create a platform for dialogue and collaboration among therapists, healthcare professionals, and those with lived experience. The event featured a rich program of keynote speeches, interactive workshops, trainings, panel discussions, and poster sessions, all designed to highlight the latest therapeutic potential and workforce developments taking places in a global community of substance use professionals. The event was organised by ISSUP and ISSUP Greece, INL, the Centers for the Prevention of Addictions, the Promotion of Psychosocial Health SEIRIOS and ICUDDR. In addition, Anthony Abi Zeid, Head of Programs at Mentor Arabia, presented the work of ISSUP Lebanon’s national chapter, along with the development of the Buddy Program and its first pilot, which generated great interest from the audience. The Buddy Program aims to support newly established chapters in various areas, including technical, managerial, fundraising, media, communication, and other key domains.