Youth Peer Educators

About the Program

Youth Peer Educators Program for Drug Prevention (YPE) uses the peer-to-peer approach for the development of life skills and the prevention of drugs and risky behaviors.


  • To empower a network of young peer educators with the necessary skills that will help them enhance the life skills of other children, adolescents, and youth
  • To provide peer educators with basic knowledge about alcohol, drugs, and tobacco with the aim of preventing risky behaviors and drug use



  1. Self Esteem
  2. Decision Making
  3. Empathy
  4. Emotion Management
  5. Communication Skills
  6. Assertive Behavior
  7. Time Management
  8. Stress Management
  1. Partner with local actors
  2. Recruit and train trainers on the program
  3. Recruit and train peer educators
  4. Implement peer-to-peer education sessions
  5. Coach the educators throughout the implementation
  6. Monitor and Evaluate the program
  7. Document lessons learned and disseminate knowledge
  • Youth aged 18-30 years
  • Parents
  • Out of school setting
  • On ground
  • Online
  • 10 weeks
  • 10 to 15 sessions
  • 60 to 120 minutes per session
  • 8 to 15 participants per session